the mission

Gaming: One of the largest growing markets today. With Twitch and YouTube boasting monthly live stream counts at over 2 million, it’s easy to see that streaming is becoming a behemoth in the online space.

So what does that mean for the users? Each day more and more content creators are joining in on the opportunity to make a name for themselves. But the age old stereotypes of gamer culture continue to live on. Times are changing. Gamers are developing online communities, and the experience is showing to be overwhelmingly positive. This leads us to our main objective.

We believe that the stereotypes being presented are dated and misconstrued. The general public has a very limited view into the world of speed gaming, and we aim to change that by diving into the communities and their events. Our goals are to showcase the positive things happening online and to discuss how online opportunities are being used to help/improve peoples daily lives, including social anxiety, depression, or addiction.

We look forward to having you along for the ride!

Get involved!

Have a story to tell?  We continue to hear more and more positive experiences online, and we would love to speak with you!

Find our contact information below:

Contact us!
Personal Victories

Do you have an experience online that has helped you in your personal life? We would love to share your story and congratulate you!

Events and Community

Do you have a story from a past event? We would love to hear it! Community and the events are a main part of the story we are telling.

Fundraising and Charity

The ability to fund raise online has grown exponentially through the use of online and streaming platforms.  Are you involved in a Charity or Fundraising stream?  We would love to share your story and spread word on your good deeds!

Meet us at SGDQ 2020!